====== Registration ====== **Registration deadline: July 14, 2017** \\
Action mail witphysics@gmail.com Thanks "Thank you for submitting your registration." Fieldset "Personal data" Textbox "Name" Textbox "Surname" email "E-Mail Address" Textbox "Research institution" select "Career status" "Summer student|Master student|PhD student|Postdoc|Faculty|Other" select "Participation" "Both days|First day only|Second day only" select "Do you want to present a contributed talk?" "No|Yes" select "Do you want to present a poster?" "No|Yes" fieldset "Talk" "Do you want to present a contributed talk?" "Yes" Textbox "Title" textarea "Brief abstract of your proposed talk" fieldset "Poster" "Do you want to present a poster?" "Yes" Textbox "Title" textarea "Brief abstract of your proposed poster presentation" fieldset "Research fields" Textbox "Please list your supervisor(s) or N/A" textarea "Please briefly describe your research fields" submit "Submit Registration"