
Publications on the preprint server

Publications on Google Scholar

  1. Y. Mardani, R. Pereira, J. Sirker
    Bulk-Boundary Correspondence and Exceptional Points for a Dimerized Hatano-Nelson Model with Staggered Potentials
    arXiv:2410.01542 (2024) (arXiv)

  2. T. Masłowski, H. Cheraghi, J. Sirker, N. Sedlmayr
    Fisher zeroes and dynamical quantum phase transitions for two- and three-dimensional models
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 224302 (2024) (arXiv)

  3. K. Monkman, J.Sirker
    Hidden zero modes and topology of multiband non-Hermitian systems
    arXiv:2405.09728 (2024) (arXiv)

  4. A. Weisse, R. Gerstner, J. Sirker
    Operator Growth in Disordered Spin Chains: Indications for the Absence of Many-Body Localization
    arXiv:2401.08031 (2024) (arXiv)

  5. D. Wagner, A. Klümper, J. Sirker
    Neural Network Thermodynamics
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 155128 (2023) (arXiv)

  6. B. Hawashin, J. Sirker, G. Uhrig
    Topological Properties of Single-Particle States Decaying into a Continuum due to Interaction
    Phys. Rev. Res. 6, L042041 (2024) [Letter] (open access)

  7. K. Monkman, J. Sirker
    Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement: General considerations, calculation from correlation functions, and bounds for symmetry-protected topological phases
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 495001 (2023) (open access)

  8. F.C. Alcaraz, R.A. Pimenta, J. Sirker
    Ising analogues of quantum spin chains with multispin interactions
    Phys. Rev. B 107, 235136 (2023) (arXiv)

  9. F.B. Ramos, A. Urichuk, I. Schneider, J. Sirker
    Power-law decay of correlations after a global quench in the massive XXZ chain
    Phys. Rev. B 107, 075138 (2023) (arXiv)

  10. K. Monkman, J. Sirker
    Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement of C2-symmetric Topological Insulators
    Phys. Rev. B 107, 125108 (2023) (arXiv)

  11. K. Monkman, J. Sirker
    Entanglement and particle fluctuations of one-dimensional chiral topological insulators
    Phys. Rev. B 108, 125116 (2023) (arXiv)

  12. M. Biderang, M.-H. Zare, J. Sirker
    Topological Superconductivity in Sn/Si(111) driven by non-local Coulomb interactions
    Phys. Rev. B 106, 054514 (2022) (arXiv)

  13. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker
    Comment on "Theory of growth of number entropy in disordered systems"
    arXiv: 2203.06689 (2022) (arXiv)

  14. A. Urichuk, A. Klümper, J. Sirker
    Non-linear Transport by Bethe Bound States
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 096602 (2022) (arXiv)

  15. F. Göhmann, K. K. Kozlowski, J. Sirker, J. Suzuki
    Spin conductivity of the XXZ chain in the antiferromagnetic massive regime
    SciPost Phys. 12, 158 (2022) (SciPost)

  16. M. Biderang, M.-H. Zare, J. Sirker
    Proximity-driven ferromagnetism and superconductivity in the triangular Rashba-Hubbard model
    Phys. Rev. B, 105, 064504 (2022) (arXiv)

  17. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker
    Particle fluctuations and the failure of simple effective models for many-body localized phases
    SciPost Phys. 12, 034 (2022) (SciPost)

  18. A. Urichuk, J. Sirker, A. Klümper
    Analytical results for the low-temperature Drude weight of the XXZ spin chain
    thumb_editorssuggestion.jpg Phys. Rev. B 103, 245108 (2021) (arXiv)

  19. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker
    Unlimited growth of particle fluctuations in many-body localized phases
    Ann. Phys. (N.Y) 435, 168481 (2021) (arXiv)

  20. M. Biderang, A. Akbari, J. Sirker
    Spin and charge order in doped spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 155154 (2021) (arXiv)

  21. C. Babenko, F. Göhmann, K. K. Kozlowski, J. Sirker, J. Suzuki
    Exact real-time longitudinal correlation functions of the massive XXZ chain
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 210602 (2021) (arXiv)

  22. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker
    Slow delocalization of particles in many-body localized phases
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 024203 (2021) (arXiv)

  23. Y. Zhao, D. Feng, Y. Hu, S. Guo, J. Sirker
    Entanglement dynamics in the three-dimensional Anderson model
    thumb_editorssuggestion.jpg Phys. Rev. B 102, 195132 (2020) (arXiv)

  24. K. Monkman, J. Sirker
    Operational Entanglement of Symmetry-Protected Topological Edge States
    Phys.Rev. Research 2, 043191 (2020) (pdf)

  25. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker
    Evidence for unbounded growth of the number entropy in many-body localized phases
    thumb_editorssuggestion.jpg Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 243601 (2020) (arXiv)

    See also: Many-Body Localized States Inch Toward Equilibrium
    Physics 13, s80 (2020) (Physics Journal)

  26. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, J. Sirker, M. Fleischhauer
    Bounds on the entanglement entropy by the number entropy in non-interacting fermionic systems
    SciPost Phys. 8, 083 (2020) (pdf)

  27. A. Naseri, S. Peng, W. Luo, J. Sirker
    Spin vortices and skyrmions of a single electron in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 115407 (2020) (arXiv)

  28. J. Sirker
    Physics at the nanoscale (Preface of special issue in Physica E, Ed.: J. Sirker)
    Physica E 117, 113858 (2020)

  29. J. Sirker
    Transport in one-dimensional integrable quantum systems
    SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 17 (2020) (pdf)

  30. Y. Zhao, J. Sirker
    Logarithmic entanglement growth in two-dimensional disordered fermionic systems
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 014203 (2019) (arXiv)

  31. F. Göhmann, K. K. Kozlowski, J. Sirker, J. Suzuki
    The equilibrium dynamics of the XX chain revisited
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 155428 (2019) (arXiv)

  32. A. Urichuk, Y. Oez, A. Klümper, J. Sirker
    The spin Drude weight of the XXZ chain and generalized hydrodynamics
    SciPost Phys. 6, 005 (2019) (pdf)

  33. J. Sirker
    Does a distinct quasi many-body localized phase exist? A numerical study of a translationally invariant system in the thermodynamic limit
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 075162 (2019) (arXiv)

  34. W. Luo, A. Naseri, J. Sirker, T. Chakraborty
    Unique Spin Vortices in Quantum Dots with Spin-orbit Couplings
    Sci. Rep. 9, 672 (2019) (pdf)

  35. N. Sedlmayr, P. Jäger, M. Maiti, J. Sirker
    A bulk-boundary correspondence for dynamical phase transitions in one-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 064304 (2018) (arXiv)

  36. N. Sedlmayr, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker
    The fate of dynamical phase transitions at finite temperatures and in open systems
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 045147 (2018) (arXiv)

  37. M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, J. Sirker
    Current reversals and metastable states in the infinite Bose-Hubbard chain with local particle loss
    Phys. Rev. A 96, 063625 (2017) (arXiv)

  38. Y. Zhao, S. Ahmed, J. Sirker
    Localization of fermions in coupled chains with identical disorder
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 235152 (2017) (arXiv)

  39. T. Enss, F. Andraschko, J. Sirker
    Many-body localization in infinite chains
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 045121 (2017) (arXiv)

  40. D. Morath, N. Sedlmayr, J. Sirker, S. Eggert
    Conductance in inhomogeneous quantum wires:
    Luttinger liquid predictions and quantum Monte Carlo results
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 115162 (2016) (arXiv)

  41. Y. Zhao, F. Andraschko, J. Sirker
    Entanglement entropy of disordered quantum chains following a global quench
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 205146 (2016) (arXiv)

  42. M. Harder, L. Bai, C. Match, J. Sirker, C.-M. Hu
    Study of the cavity-magnon-polariton transmission line shape
    Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 117511 (2016) (arXiv)

  43. C. Karrasch, R. G. Pereira, J. Sirker
    Low temperature dynamics of nonlinear Luttinger liquids
    New J. Phys. 17, 103003 (2015) (arXiv)

  44. F. Andraschko, J. Sirker
    Propagation of a single hole defect in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 235132 (2015) (arXiv)

  45. F. Andraschko, T. Enss, J. Sirker
    Purification and many-body localization in cold atomic gases
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 217201 (2014) (arXiv)

  46. J. Sirker, M. Maiti, N.P. Konstantinidis, N. Sedlmayr
    Boundary Fidelity and Entanglement in the symmetry protected topological phase of the SSH model
    J. Stat. Mech. P10032 (2014) (arXiv)

  47. R. G. Pereira, V. Pasquier, J. Sirker, I. Affleck
    Exactly conserved quasilocal operators for the XXZ spin chain
    J. Stat. Mech. P09037 (2014) (arXiv)

  48. J. Sirker, N.P. Konstantinidis, F. Andraschko, N. Sedlmayr
    Locality and Thermalization in Closed Quantum Systems
    Phys. Rev. A 89, 042104 (2014) (arXiv)

  49. F. Andraschko, J. Sirker
    Dynamical quantum phase transitions and the Loschmidt echo: A transfer matrix approach
    Phys. Rev. B 89, 125120 (2014) (arXiv)

  50. N. Sedlmayr, D. Morath, J. Sirker, S. Eggert, I. Affleck
    Conducting fixed points for inhomogeneous quantum wires:
    a conformally invariant boundary theory
    thumb_editorssuggestion.jpg Phys. Rev. B 89, 045133 (2014) (arXiv)

  51. N. Sedlmayr, P. Korell, J. Sirker
    Two-Band Luttinger Liquid with Spin-Orbit Coupling:
    Applications to Monatomic Chains on Surfaces
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 195113 (2013) (arXiv)

  52. N. Sedlmayr, J. Ren, F. Gebhard, J. Sirker
    Closed and Open System Dynamics in a Fermionic Chain with a Microscopically Specified Bath: Relaxation and Thermalization
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 100406 (2013) (arXiv)

  53. N. Sedlmayr, P. Adam, J. Sirker
    Theory of the conductance of interacting quantum wires with good contacts and applications to carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. B 87, 035439 (2013) (arXiv)

  54. J. Sirker
    Entanglement measures and the quantum to classical mapping
    J. Stat. Mech. P12012 (2012) (arXiv)

  55. N. Sedlmayr, J. Ohst, I. Affleck, J. Sirker, S. Eggert
    Transport and scattering in inhomogeneous quantum wires
    rapidicon.jpg Phys. Rev. B 86, 121302(R) (2012) (arXiv)

  56. J. Ren and J. Sirker
    Spinons and helimagnons in the frustrated Heisenberg chain
    rapidicon.jpg Phys. Rev. B 85, 140410(R) (2012) (arXiv)

  57. F. Gebhard, K. zu Muenster, J. Ren, N. Sedlmayr, J. Sirker, B. Ziebarth
    Particle injection into a chain: decoherence versus relaxation for Hermitian and non-Hermitian dynamics
    Ann. Phys. 524, 286 (2012) (arXiv)

  58. J. Sirker
    The Luttinger liquid and integrable models
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 26, 1244009 (2012) (arXiv)

  59. T. Enss and J. Sirker
    Lightcone renormalization and quantum quenches in one-dimensional Hubbard models
    New J. Phys. 14, 023008 (2012) (arXiv)

  60. A. Herzog, A.M. Oles, P. Horsch and J. Sirker
    The dimerized ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 134428 (2011) (arXiv)

  61. J. Sirker, V. Y. Krivnov, D. V. Dmitriev, A. Herzog, O. Janson, S. Nishimoto, S.-L. Drechsler, J. Richter
    The J1-J2 Heisenberg model at and close to its z=4 quantum critical point
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 144403 (2011) (arXiv)

  62. N. Zafar Ali, J. Sirker, J. Nuss, P. Horsch and M. Jansen
    Spin exchange dominated by charge fluctuations of the Wigner lattice in the newly synthesized chain cuprate Na5Cu3O6
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 035113 (2011) (arXiv)

  63. N. Sedlmayr, S. Eggert and J. Sirker
    Electron scattering from domain walls in ferromagnetic Luttinger liquids
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 024424 (2011) (arXiv)

  64. A. Herzog, A.M. Oles, P. Horsch and J. Sirker
    Magnetic excitations in one-dimensional spin-orbital models
    Phys. Rev. B 83, 245130 (2011) (arXiv)

  65. J. Sirker, R. G. Pereira and I. Affleck
    Conservation laws, integrability and transport in one-dimensional quantum systems
    thumb_editorssuggestion.jpg Phys. Rev. B 83, 035115 (2011) (arXiv)

  66. N. Sedlmayr, S. Eggert and J. Sirker
    Non-Collinear Ferromagnetic Luttinger Liquids
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 303, 012107 (2011) (arXiv)

  67. J. Sirker
    Finite temperature fidelity susceptibility for one-dimensional quantum systems
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 117203 (2010) (arXiv)

  68. J.Sirker
    Thermodynamics of multiferroic spin chains
    Phys. Rev. B 81, 014419 (2010) (arXiv)

  69. J.Sirker, R.G. Pereira and I. Affleck
    Diffusion and ballistic transport in one-dimensional quantum systems
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 216602 (2009) (arXiv)

  70. A. Herzog, P. Horsch, A.M. Oles and J. Sirker
    Spin-wave theory for dimerized ferromagnetic chains
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 022017 (2010) (arXiv)

  71. J. Sirker
    Consequences of lattice imperfections and interchain couplings for the critical properties of spin-1/2 chain compounds
    Condensed Matter Physics 12, 449 (2009) (arXiv)

  72. J. Sirker and N. Laflorencie
    NMR Response in Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Chains
    Europhys. Lett. 86, 57004 (2009) (arXiv)

  73. J. Sirker, J. Damerau and A. Klümper
    Doping a Mott insulator with orbital degrees of freedom
    Phys. Rev. B 78, 235125 (2008) (arXiv)

  74. J. Sirker, A. Herzog, A.M. Oles and P. Horsch
    Thermally activated Peierls dimerization in ferromagnetic spin chains
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 157204 (2008) (arXiv)

  75. J. Sirker, S. Fujimoto, N. Laflorencie, S. Eggert and I. Affleck
    Thermodynamics of impurities in the anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain
    J. Stat. Mech. P02015 (2008) (arXiv)

  76. S. Glocke, A. Klümper and J. Sirker
    The Half-Filled One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model: Phase diagram and Thermodynamics
    Phys. Rev. B 76, 155121 (2007) (arXiv)

  77. R. G. Pereira, J. Sirker, J.-S. Caux, R. Hagemans, J. M. Maillet, S. R. White and I. Affleck
    Dynamical structure factor at small q for the XXZ spin-1/2 chain
    J. Stat. Mech. P08022 (2007) (arXiv)

  78. J. Sirker, R. G. Pereira, J.-S. Caux, R. Hagemans, J. M. Maillet, S. R. White and I. Affleck
    Boson decay and the dynamical structure factor for the XXZ chain at finite magnetic field
    Physica B 403, 1520 (2008) (arXiv)

  79. S. Glocke, A. Klümper and J. Sirker
    The density-matrix renormalization group applied to transfer matrices: Static and dynamical properties of one-dimensional quantum systems at finite temperature
    Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 739: Computational Many-Particle Physics (Springer, Berlin, 2008) (arXiv)

  80. J. Sirker, N. Laflorencie, S. Fujimoto, S. Eggert and I. Affleck
    Chain breaks and the susceptibility of Sr2Cu1-xPdxO3+delta and other doped quasi one-dimensional antiferromagnets
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 137205 (2007) (arXiv)

  81. J. Sirker
    Spin diffusion and the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain
    Phys. Rev. B 73, 224424 (2006) (arXiv)

  82. R. G. Pereira, J. Sirker, J.-S. Caux, R. Hagemans, J. M. Maillet, S. R. White and I. Affleck
    The dynamical spin structure factor for the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 257202 (2006) (arXiv)

  83. M. Bortz and J. Sirker
    The one-dimensional Hubbard model with open ends: Universal divergent contributions to the magnetic susceptibility
    J. Phys. A 39, 7187 (2006) (arXiv)

  84. J. Sirker, W. Zheng, O.P. Sushkov and J. Oitmaa
    The J1-J2 model: First order phase transition versus deconfinement of spinons
    Phys. Rev. B 73, 224424 (2006) (arXiv)

  85. J. Sirker and M. Bortz
    The open XXZ-chain: Bosonization, the Bethe ansatz and logarithmic corrections
    J. Stat. Mech. P01007 (2006) (arXiv)

  86. J. Sirker and M. Bortz
    Quantum versus classical behavior in the boundary susceptibility of the ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
    Phys. Rev. B 73, 014424 (2006) (arXiv)

  87. J. Sirker and A. Klümper
    Real-time dynamics at finite temperature by the density-matrix renormalization group: A path-integral approach
    rapidicon.jpg Phys. Rev. B 71, 241101(R) (2005) (arXiv)

  88. M. Bortz and J. Sirker
    Boundary susceptibility in the open XXZ-chain
    J. Phys. A 38, 5957 (2005) (arXiv)

  89. J. Sirker, A. Weiße and O. Sushkov
    The field-induced magnetic ordering transition in TlCuCl3
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 74 Suppl., 129 (2005) (arXiv)

  90. J. Sirker, A. Weiße and O. Sushkov
    Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in TlCuCl3
    Physica B 359-361, 1318 (2005) (arXiv)

  91. J. Sirker, A. Weiße and O. Sushkov
    Consequences of spin-orbit coupling for the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons
    Europhys. Lett. 68, 275 (2004) (arXiv)

  92. J. Sirker
    Thermodynamics of a one-dimensional S=1/2 spin-orbital model
    Phys. Rev. B 69, 104428 (2004) (arXiv)

  93. C. Ulrich, G. Khaliullin, J. Sirker, M. Reehuis, M. Ohl, S. Miyasaka, Y. Tokura and B. Keimer
    Magnetic Neutron Scattering Study of YVO3: Evidence for an Orbital Peierls State
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 257202 (2003) (arXiv)

  94. J. Sirker and G. Khaliullin
    Entropy driven dimerization in a one-dimensional spin-orbital model
    rapidicon.jpg Phys. Rev. B 67, 100408(R) (2003) (arXiv)

  95. J. Sirker and A. Klümper
    Thermodynamics and crossover phenomena in the correlation lengths of the one-dimensional t-J model
    Phys. Rev. B 66, 245102 (2002) (arXiv)

  96. J. Sirker and A. Klümper
    Temperature-driven crossover phenomena in the correlation lengths of the one-dimensional t-J model
    Europhys. Lett. 60, 262 (2002) (arXiv)

  97. J. Sirker, A. Klümper and K. Hamacher
    Ground-state properties of two-dimensional dimerized Heisenberg models
    Phys. Rev. B 65, 134409 (2002) (arXiv)
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